The following list represents recent radio interviews by NABS personnel. We invite you to access the sites and listen to the discussions. We believe you wil find these enlightening and informative.
March 26, 2012-David Paulides joins George Knapp on Coast to Coast radio and they discuss David's new book, "Missing 411-Western U.S.", this show is an incredible four hours of nonstop stories and conjecture.
8/29/10- David Paulides & Dr. Melba Ketchum are interviewed on Coast to Coast AM by host George Knapp. David discusses NABS latest research for the first hour and Dr. Ketchum joins him the second hour for a discussion on bigfoot DNA,
5/9/10- David Paulides is interviewed about NABS' latest research, CNN1190 AM Radio in Dallas,
3/1/10- Coast to Coast Radio- David Paulides and Harvey Pratt are interviewed about the Native American connection to bigfoot;
1/15/10 7-9pm Eastern Time David Paulides & Harvey Pratt are the guests, Chuck Prahl- Host
Nite Callers on Blog Talk Radio 8/9/09 4pm
Show Name: David Paulides & Harvey Pratt- Guests talk about their latest book, Tribal Bigfoot
BBS Radio Interview
Preston Dennet interviews David Paulides about ongoing research by North America Bigfoot Search
6/22/2009 6:00 PM - 1 hr 30 min
Please join hosts Billy Willard and DBD, aka The Blogsquatcher, as we invite our guests, Dave Paulides and Harvey Pratt to the show. Dave is the author of The Hoopa Project and has just released a new book, Tribal Bigfoot. Harvey is a forensic artist. Come join us for what should prove to be a great show!
Length 1 Hr 30 Min
December 17, 2008
Let's talk Bigfoot interview with Paulides and Pratt
"Let's talk Bigfoot", a lively little internet broadcast hosted by Teresa Hall and Kathy Strain (AIBR), aired an interview with David Paulides and Harvey Pratt on Dec. 17, 2008.
I've included it below and it's the perfect companion to the Hoopa Project book It's an inside look into their research process for the book. Enjoy and as always your comments are welcomed.
November 23, 2008
Coast to Coast AM w/ George Knapp
During the latter half of the program, David Paulides talked about the Hoopa Project, a long term effort aimed at finding Bigfoot evidence focused on Hoopa, California, where his research indicates is a frequent area for sightings. He said that his group has documented a number of Bigfoot cases, ranging from the benign to the terrifying, including "direct sightings, encounters that could be attributed to it, meaning sounds, rock throwing incidents, and at one point a creature reached an arm into a window of a residence."
He also talked about one promising avenue of Bigfoot research that the Hoopa Project has undertaken: using skilled forensic artist Harvey Pratt to create sketches of the creature based on eyewitness testimony. Paulides explained that the Hoopa Project went the additional, and unprecedented, step of actually flying Pratt to California to work directly with the witnesses. During these sessions, Paulides said, the witnesses described human-looking faces for the creature, an observation which contradicts popular opinion of the beast's visage, making their testimony "even more credible to us." Pratt's skills were so sharp that, according to Paulides, that upon seeing the depiction of their Bigfoot sighting, the witness would exclaim, "Oh my God, you’ve got it!"
11/2/2008 12:00 PM - 1 hr 30 min
HBM’s Crypto Corner
Interviewer Henry May & Bill Green
Guests: David Paulides and Harvey
Pratt discuss Paulides’ first book and ongoing research being conducted by NABS
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