A general accommodation to unchanging environmental conditions, making or becoming suitable, adjusting to circumstance. Free Dictionary.com
The habituation process and how it relates to a bigfoot, sasquatch, and hairy man is not a quick endeavor. This process could take years and maybe decades. Slight changes to the physical environment or changes to residents living in the area could alert the biped to unusual and unfamiliar conditions that could trigger an avoidance response.
The bipeds are very nervous and edgy people, thus their trust level with humans is not high. There have been dozens and dozens of stories where people have shot and purportedly hit the bipeds with firearms and bows; so, they may not generally believe we are a peaceful group. They seem to have a high degree of patience and trust with children, women and the elderly, in that order.
The habituation is the only real opportunity that researchers have to observe and document the bipeds in their natural environment. The idea of searching, finding, watching and placing the biped under surveillance, blending into their natural environment is not a realistic opportunity at this time. Having a residence in the middle of a forest, making consistent offerings and having a stable environment without noise or visitors offers the best opportunity to develop a habituation situation.
There have been several stories circulated where trust is built through years of offering food, shelter, toys and generally being non-threatening to their lifestyle. There have been other bigfoot groups that have actually purchased property where a habituation was reportedly occurring. Once the research group occupied the property, the visits ceased. The visitations may have ceased because of the change of residents, installation of electronics and the change of behavior by the owners.
There is a habituation occurring in Middle America with the assistance of a wealthy Canadian. He purchased the property and placed a female biologist on the project. This has purportedly been a successful endeavor and photos, video and behavior have been successfully documented. A documentary film is in the works. We have not been involved in this project and have not spoken to any of the involved parties.
NABS is still reading the plethora of documents we received through the purchase of the Ray Crowe research collection. One of the more believable and interesting habituation cases we have read was found in the "Track Record Special Edition #12" which was published in April of 1999. On March 29, 1978 a researcher interviewed a woman who was visiting a relative in Washington. The woman gave a recorded statement about her experience on the Washington property. The details about the physical appearance of the bipeds, mannerisms and general behavior she observed are fascinating and well documented. While NABS cannot guarantee the authenticity of the sighting, we can say that this information that is contained in the document follows reports we have obtained on the biped and is consistent with what we know. Many who haven’t been involved in this field for many years or who haven’t read thousands of reports may find it hard to believe that a group of 5-10 bipeds travel together; we believe there are instances where they do. We have recently read several reports where witnesses have seen up to 10 bipeds at a time in a specific area. If you do observe one, there are probably more in the general area watching the leader on the point. This is probably another reason we do not find a bigfoot body, if one is injured or killed they are retrieved by their group and carried away.
While you read the report, pay close attention to the descriptors and behavior, it is quite interesting.
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