This page will deal with the top ten Bigfoot stories of all time. There are many stories to choose from but our editors will diligently pick the best and add them over time.
The Minnesota Ice Man
The number of “coincidences” NABS has encountered while in the Bigfoot arena is almost surreal. We have all heard of people stating that there is no such thing as a coincidence; we are starting to believe that!
Three years ago NABS expended considerable resources into the state of Minnesota and specifically the region near Bena, Bemidji, Cass Lake and Deer River. We later sent a researcher to Grand Rapids to interview a witness. We know this area very well and have documented many Bigfoot sightings of the region in “Tribal Bigfoot”.
Over the course of reviewing historical records and incidents we gave the Minnesota Iceman a second look, and, we were quite astounded by what we found. Frank Hansen was a Minnesota resident and the individual that toured with a hairy body of a biped that had many features that appeared human. It wasn’t until NABS went deep into the story did we understand the possibility that this biped may have been a real Bigfoot.
The below attached documents from “Saga” Magazine represent Frank Hansen’s story of how he obtained the Ice Man. His story starts with a hunting trip at Whiteface Reservoir in northwestern Minnesota. We Googled this location and found that the reservoir is almost on the identical longitudinal line as the areas we were in near Bena, and, only 70 miles further east. The story gets better. Frank says that he was hunting in the winter, was surprised by a group of the bipeds, shot and killed one of them. He came back, found the one deceased and brought it home. I’ll let you read the story for the exact details but this is the essence of the killing. Some important points are in the story that we have only started to understand.
Many Bigfoot researchers believe that Bigfoot usually travel in small groups. The males may take a lead position and this would be the one that many see in their sighting. Children and females stay near the back and don’t come forward until all is safe. Hansen’s statement that he saw a group makes sense to us with the knowledge we have garnered over the years of research. People who have examined the biped confirm it was shot near the right eye, again, this makes sense. There are many documented accounts of people shooting a Bigfoot in the abdomen with the biped simply walking away, but, not a headshot. A headshot usually means instantaneous death to any mammal. At this point the story makes perfect sense. Realizing this was written at a point in history where information about Bigfoot was not readily available, yet, this story follows everything we know about the biped even today. Even the region of Minnesota makes significant sense to us because of the amount of water in the region. Bigfoot likes to be around water and this region of Minnesota has a significant amount of lakes, bogs, marshes and rivers. The Mississippi River has its origins just outside of Deer River.
The area in Minnesota where the biped was killed is even more intriguing to NABS then any other part of this story. Mr. Hansen states that he shot and killed it at Whiteface Reservoir, well, as most things in the Bigfoot world there is a conflicting story.
Helen Westring was a woman who came forward and stated that she shot and killed the biped while on a hunting trip in Bemidji, MN in 1966. The biped supposedly attacked and she shot it in the head, killing it instantly with a shot through the right eye. When NABS read about Westring’s story we almost couldn’t believe it. There is an old analogy in investigations, “between two extreme sides of any story usually lies the truth.” If that analogy is true in this case NABS was right in the middle of this killing, because, between Whiteface Reservoir and Bemidji is the Leech Lake Band of the Ojibwe and the towns of Bena and Deer River, all locations that NABS has researched extensively. If there was an isolated area where Bigfoot could live unmolested and with significant food sources, it is the area between the two supposed killing sites. Is the locations cited by both individuals merely coincidence or did NABS stumble into the middle of this story?
In Tribal Bigfoot David Paulides explains the NABS theory of Bigfoot being associated with Native American Tribes. Witnesses in this region of Minnesota have affirmed that many of the sightings occur either in the reservation or on the perimeter. If Mr. Hansen truly killed the biped, it would be very doubtful he would identify the exact location of the killing, same for Ms. Westring. It makes complete sense to NABS that it is very possible that the Ice Man was killed somewhere between Bemidji and Whiteface Reservoir.
There were many competent researchers that examined the original Ice Man body before it was switched. The results of those examinations were that the body smelled of rotting flesh and the body had characteristics of a human body. When you read the story below, note what Canadian Customs felt about the body. They felt it was a real corpse and refused to release it until a U.S. Senator became involved. It appears to NABS that Frank Hansen obtained the body, by some means, and decided to make some easy money by displaying it. Frank had no idea that the U.S. government, the Smithsonian and other agencies with credibility would get involved. He had no choice but to change the body being displayed and remove any concerns by governmental officials. NABS has not seen the exact magazine article replicated anywhere. Enjoy Frank’s rendition of his events and the photos.

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