"The Hoopa Project is one of the top 3 books ever written on Bigfoot."
George Knapp, Host, Coast To Coast AM, 11/23/08
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Hoopa Project is the first book by the Executive Director of North America Bigfoot Search (NABS), David Paulides. The book is being published by Hancock House and was formally released 9/15/08.
NABS has committed to staying on any Bigfoot site and researching area incidents until the investigation has been completed. Whether the investigation takes 30 days or 3 years we will stay on site, as we did in Hoopa. We eventually earned the trust of the local people and were able to integrate their stories into our project, a critical piece to the puzzle.
The Hoopa Project-Background
NABS conducted an exhaustive investigation of the entire Western United States to determine where the optimum location was to research Bigfoot. The book explained this effort, how we arrived at the decision and what factors were in play:
Government Acknowledgement
Starting the Search
Sightings Overview
Bigfoot Incidents
Bigfoot Sightings
Forensic Art
When we started this effort we wanted to be held accountable for our research and we wanted to hold witnesses accountable for their statements, something that is rarely done by authors/researchers. We developed a system where we only investigated sightings if the witness signed an affidavit. If no affidavit was signed, no investigation was completed. This is still part of the protocol of our process and we have found that many witnesses appreciate the professional approach to the investigation.
After the witnesses were interviewed and an investigation was initiated, we then brought in the best forensic artist in Norther America. He is a law enforcement officer that is regularly utilized by the FBI on many high profile cases. When this gentleman sits down with a witness/victim to a crime and sketches the suspect, this is exactly what the subject looks like when they are apprehended. It's almost as though the suspect was sitting in the room when the sketch was completed, it's mind boggling. This was the first time in the history of Bigfoot research where a trained law enforcement forensic artist was brought into a confined region and sat with a multitude of witnesses to draw the hominid they witnessed. Hancock House did an outstanding job of including the forensic color sketches in the book. The color is fabulous and highlights the importance the sketches bring to the research. The sketches of the Bigfoot that were witnessed by the people are mind boggling. Many of the witnesses were in awe when they viewed the completed sketch, many stated "that's exactly what the creature looked like."
We believe that this book is the first time a Bigfoot research group has stayed on site for an extended period and chronicled their investigation in a book designed for the public. We have no doubt that the research will cause many in the Bigfoot community to take pause and examine our findings closely. Is Bigfoot an animal, ape, wildman or something in between. "The Hoopa Project" at 336 pages is the first doorway through a long hallway for NABS.
NABS believes that bigfoot/sasquatch has strong links to the Native American population and as such can be found near their reservations. We have been told many times that the biped does understand Native American language and as such we are including the below listed map outlining the languages found in North America- Thanks to Wikipedia for supplying the map.

**To purchase The Hoopa Project, please visit our company store at the attached link: www.nabigfootsearch.com/Bigfootstore.html
©2010 North America Bigfoot Search LLC
**The following is a series of book reviews on "The Hoopa Project"
April 27, 2010
I just finished reading the Hoopa Project and Tribal Bigfoot. They are in my opinion two of the most insightful and thought provoking books I have read in a long time. I like how you approached the subject. You were able to state a premise/belief without being too preachy or coming across like you know everything about this creature, which is impossible for anybody at this stage. I respect your methodolgy in gathering evidence and your openess to questioning beliefs held about bigfoot. Anyways stay strong in your convictions, I feel good about the direction you are heading.
Tom Rojek
Buffalo, NY
6/22/09-Review by Hugh White
If you have ever doubted the existence of the 'creature' known as
Bigfoot, alias Sasquatch, Omah, or Tinta-K'iwungxoya'ni (you pronounce
it, I can't) plus other Indian related names from ancient times, then
read David Paulides' book, The Hoopa Project. 336 pages of fascinating
and astounding information gathered over a period of time from numerous
eye witnesses who have attested, under oath, to personal, first hand
sightings of this oft illusive being. Yes, I said being as defined by
Webster' 'One who lives or exists.'
Paulides, who has an extensive background of 30 years as a former
police officer and professional investigator, brings his knowledge,
expertize and compassion for the witnesses to elicit new, exciting and
detailed information and descriptions of Bigfoot never before reported.
You will see for yourself, through the detailed and lifelike sketches
of award winning forensic artist Harvet Pratt, what the witnesses have
seen, but be prepared for a shock that may leave you in a state of awe
and wonder.
You may ask of yourself, where are the ape like features that other
illustrators have rendered over the years, like the conical heads - or
sagittal crests, the heavy brow ridges - or occipital orbits and all the
other features that have led us to believe that Bigfoot was some kind of
quasi anthropoid ape.
Whether you are a seasoned Bigfoot researcher, or just a curious
onlooker, you will be witness to a new and exciting chapter in the
Bigfoot controversy.
This book is a must for the top shelf of your new or extensive
Bigfoot library.
Hugh White - former newspaper columnist, editorial and political
cartoonist, magazine editor, feature writer and illustrator of an
outdoor magazine, musician and entertainer.
It's the journey,
not the destination
Posted on Blogspot by "Ty"
Over the years, I have managed to read most of the "Standard" Bigfoot books written by all of the usual "experts" in this field of endeavor. All of the movies, TV shows, documentaries, etc......Yes, I've seen them all, more than a few times.
Last week, I asked myself if there was really a reason that I should purchase yet another Bigfoot book and one which is being touted as one of the best books on this topic written in 2008. I went to the NABS website and started reading. I had a question about one of the articles and sent an email to the organization. I received a very polite and direct response back in less than 20 minutes. Needless to say I bought the book immediately, simply based on this type of "customer service".
I must admit that I had serious credibility issues when I discovered that most of the sightings and incident reports were made by members of the local Native American Indian Tribes in the target area. I thought of all the mythological and spiritual rituals that I have come to believe, not without the help of television, about Native American Tribes in general. HOWEVER, the author reportedly has 30+ years of Law Enforcement and Investigation experience--That is a FIRST!
The book arrived three days ago and I spent every spare moment I could find reading through it.
The author, David Paulides, begins with a brief introduction explaining his endoctrination into the Bigfoot mystery from a young age. Then he moves into the topic of Government acknowledgement, whereby he is intent on locating official government documentation about Bigfoot, and he finds it. There is a protracted section on climate conditions, elevation and charts including previous sightings information from various sources, etc...
(NOTE: Those of you without the patience for this type of technical information may find this section, which spans approx. 16 pages, mind numbing. DO NOT SKIP OVER IT because you will miss valuable information that will put you on the road to understanding the preferred habitat of these creatures in Northern California.)
After extensive research and planning, Paulides finally settles on the location in the Hoopa Valley region of Northern California(The Hoopa Indian Reservation).
After a few introductions and initial queries into local sightings and incidents, the "meat and potatoes" of the reports are presented. The reader is guided through the various investigations, interviews, narration on the landscape and locations of the incidents, which you soon see are concentrated in key areas.
As I began to read the reports, a strange thing happened. All of my misconceptions about Native American mysticism and "Hocus Pocus" disappeared and I mean COMPLETELY! The interviews were logically documented in classic "Police report" format--very straightforward and factual. No opinions interjected, just the facts as they were provided by the witnesses to Paulides. There are photos of most of the witnesses and the incident/sighting locations and we see that these are normal folks that have had incredible encounters and weren't looking to promote or even mention them to "outsiders".
Paulides has even added the accountability factor by requiring the witnesses to sign an affidavit attesting that there sightings/incident reports are factual. How enforceable this type of document would be under Indian law is beyond my scope of expertise and is not really relevant when your are confronted with the quality and quantity of information in this book.
Paulides enlisted the assistance of forensic sketch artist Harvey Pratt, who met with a majority of the witnesses and sketched the creature that each reports to have
seen. The sketches were close-hold information and no witnesses were allowed to see the other's sketches. I found this to be an excellent way to maintain the integrity of the project. If your are like me and have been force-fed all of the banter and theories about Bigfoot being some sort of giant primate, you are in for a surprise when you see the sketches and read the reports.
My issues with the book are few:
I would like to have seen larger charts, full page preferrably.
Same with some of the B/W photos. I think they would have reproduced better.
Due to the remote location of alot of the witnesses, I felt that Paulides could have briefly addressed how each witness communicates with others in general, i.e. telephones, CBs, shortwave radios, during emergencies.
As I said in the beginning, this book is touted as one of the best Bigfoot books to come out in 2008. I'll see that and raise you one. It is, without a doubt, one of the best books EVER written on the subject of Bigfoot! If you don't have it--GET IT!
It will change the way you view this creature and challenge everything you thought you knew.
After I posted this review, I sent an email to NABS letting them know how much I enjoyed the
book and that I was posting a review on my blog. I received the following response:
A sincere thank you for thoroughly reading the book. I understand that everyone has different tastes in writing style and have never objected to critique as long as the book is thoroughly read, thanks.
Your comments about the size of various graphs and charts is fair and something that I've spoken to the editor about.
Our next book will be out 6/1 (hopefully), it's at the editor now.
Thanks for posting the review, much appreciated.
David Paulides
North America Bigfoot Search
Executive Director
"Belief is not an excuse for critical thinking."
This level of professionalism and sincerity appears to be indicative of the organization, from top to bottom and Folks let me tell, they've set the bar pretty high!
Tyler Langley
Over the years, I have managed to read most of the "Standard" Bigfoot books written by all of the usual "experts" in this field of endeavor. All of the movies, TV shows, documentaries, etc......Yes, I've seen them all, more than a few times.
Last week, I asked myself if there was really a reason that I should purchase yet another Bigfoot book and one which is being touted as one of the best books on this topic written in 2008. I went to the NABS website and started reading. I had a question about one of the articles and sent an email to the organization. I received a very polite and direct response back in less than 20 minutes. Needless to say I bought the book immediately, simply based on this type of "customer service".
I must admit that I had serious credibility issues when I discovered that most of the sightings and incident reports were made by members of the local Native American Indian Tribes in the target area. I thought of all the mythological and spiritual rituals that I have come to believe, not without the help of television, about Native American Tribes in general. HOWEVER, the author reportedly has 30+ years of Law Enforcement and Investigation experience--That is a FIRST!
The book arrived three days ago and I spent every spare moment I could find reading through it.
The author, David Paulides, begins with a brief introduction explaining his endoctrination into the Bigfoot mystery from a young age. Then he moves into the topic of Government acknowledgement, whereby he is intent on locating official government documentation about Bigfoot, and he finds it. There is a protracted section on climate conditions, elevation and charts including previous sightings information from various sources, etc...
(NOTE: Those of you without the patience for this type of technical information may find this section, which spans approx. 16 pages, mind numbing. DO NOT SKIP OVER IT because you will miss valuable information that will put you on the road to understanding the preferred habitat of these creatures in Northern California.)
After extensive research and planning, Paulides finally settles on the location in the Hoopa Valley region of Northern California(The Hoopa Indian Reservation).
After a few introductions and initial queries into local sightings and incidents, the "meat and potatoes" of the reports are presented. The reader is guided through the various investigations, interviews, narration on the landscape and locations of the incidents, which you soon see are concentrated in key areas.
As I began to read the reports, a strange thing happened. All of my misconceptions about Native American mysticism and "Hocus Pocus" disappeared and I mean COMPLETELY! The interviews were logically documented in classic "Police report" format--very straightforward and factual. No opinions interjected, just the facts as they were provided by the witnesses to Paulides. There are photos of most of the witnesses and the incident/sighting locations and we see that these are normal folks that have had incredible encounters and weren't looking to promote or even mention them to "outsiders".
Paulides has even added the accountability factor by requiring the witnesses to sign an affidavit attesting that there sightings/incident reports are factual. How enforceable this type of document would be under Indian law is beyond my scope of expertise and is not really relevant when your are confronted with the quality and quantity of information in this book.
Paulides enlisted the assistance of forensic sketch artist Harvey Pratt, who met with a majority of the witnesses and sketched the creature that each reports to have
seen. The sketches were close-hold information and no witnesses were allowed to see the other's sketches. I found this to be an excellent way to maintain the integrity of the project. If your are like me and have been force-fed all of the banter and theories about Bigfoot being some sort of giant primate, you are in for a surprise when you see the sketches and read the reports.
My issues with the book are few:
I would like to have seen larger charts, full page preferrably.
Same with some of the B/W photos. I think they would have reproduced better.
Due to the remote location of alot of the witnesses, I felt that Paulides could have briefly addressed how each witness communicates with others in general, i.e. telephones, CBs, shortwave radios, during emergencies.
As I said in the beginning, this book is touted as one of the best Bigfoot books to come out in 2008. I'll see that and raise you one. It is, without a doubt, one of the best books EVER written on the subject of Bigfoot! If you don't have it--GET IT!
It will change the way you view this creature and challenge everything you thought you knew.
Tyler Langley
Subject: Book Review: The Hoopa Project
From: shenron posted November 16, 2008 3:29:55 PM PST
Title: The Hoopa Project Bigfoot Encounters in California
Author: David Paulides (Sketches by forensic artist Harvey Pratt)
Publisher: Hancock House
While there are numerous books on the subject of Bigfoot and Sasquatch, "The Hoopa Project" is truly a one of a kind. Author David Paulides, a former police investigator for 30 years, methodologically analyzed and investigated Bigfoot activites in the Hoopa Valley in northern California. The highlight of this book, however, is the application of forensic sketches to the witnesses' descriptions of Bigfoot morphology. The result was striking; there was a consistency of what bigfoot looked like at least in the Hoopa Valley. In fact, the result had added more new questions to the eternal question of Bigfoot: Human or ape?
David Paulides' background is law enforcement. He applied his profession to gather information and interview witnesses. Although he is rather a newcomer to the Bigfoot research, he carefully correlated information on geography, ecology, wildlife management, and even government documentations with Bigfoot reports for the past 40 years in northern California before his field research. His approach was so fresh and unique; at times, I felt like reading a police report rather than a popular book. Furthermore, Paulides steered clear away from any academic "speculations" and resulted in a matter-of-fact descriptions of Bigfoot activities.
Harvey Pratt is a forensic artist commissioned by Paulides in order to recreate what the witnesses saw on papers. It is no joke that Paulides even printed out Pratt's resume! I have to say that Pratt was highly qualified for this job. While I will not give away what the Bigfoot sketches looked like here, I can confirm that the pictures were striking and never expected before!
Paulides' website is:
North America Bigfoot Search
For those who will enjoy an unique approach to the Bigfoot research, this book is a must read.
October 26, 2008
The Hoopa Bigfoot Project
The Hoopa Bigfoot Project Last summer I was working in a local restaurant in Happy Camp when a man I didn’t know came in for lunch. After he finished eating he brought his business card to the counter and introduced himself as David Paulides of North America Bigfoot Search. He told me a bit about his Bigfoot research project in Hoopa. Since I live in Happy Camp I’m used to accidentally meeting up with Bigfoot researchers who are passing through town, so I told him who I was, Linda Martin of BigfootSightings.org. I figure out-of-town Bigfoot researchers might know me by my website rather than by my name or face. He said he was in town to interview one of my acquaintances.
Months later I learned that David Paulides wrote a book about the Bigfoot research he was doing in Hoopa, a reservation about sixty miles south-west of here. I got a copy of the book, The Hoopa Project, a few weeks ago, and have been reading it - in fact, I finished it this morning. I’m here to tell you it is an amazing book - one that should be in every Bigfoot enthusiast’s library. I cannot recommend it highly enough, but I’ll give it a try.
David Paulides, formerly a law enforcement investigator with thirty years experience, brought his expert interviewing and analytical skills into the field of Bigfoot research. This may not be unique, but his skills along with dedication to the singular project in Hoopa, reflected in his consistent recording of his observations, combined to help him create what is destined to be a classic of Bigfoot research literature.
The Hoopa Project records, in minute detail, Paulides’ systematic analysis of the Hoopa Valley’s climate, plant life, and animal populations. He made many observant inquiries into the probability of Bigfoot habitation. He researched available Bigfoot databases online and charted known sightings on maps. All these preparatory considerations, he shares with us in the initial pages of his book. It could get a bit tedious to read, but it doesn’t because his writing style is easy-going though it does obviously bear the mark of someone trained to write detailed reports in his professional life.
Though the first section of the 333-page book kept my interest, the book didn’t really get going until page 93 when Paulides started sharing his incident reports. At that point, I didn’t want to put the book down. It should be noted that he divided his reports into two categories. The first category, found in chapter four, was for “Incidents Involving Bigfoot”. These include all evidence of Bigfoot except actual sightings. The second category, saved for chapter five, is “Bigfoot Sightings”. He gives us eleven incident reports and thirty-three sightings total, though some observers had more than one incident or sighting.
Each of these reports contained some clue or insight into Bigfoot life and behavior. Included in the incident reports are stories of large boulder-sized rocks being thrown, not to harm, but to frighten humans nearby. Other incidents include screaming and footsteps or footprints. The people who reported these events agreed to have their pictures taken and allowed their names to be used. They were all very believable and the ones who had sightings signed affidavits to validate their claims.
What enhanced these sighting reports was Paulides’ decision to hire an experienced forensic artist, Harvey Pratt, to make accurate drawings of what each sighting witness saw. Toward the end of the book Paulides shared his process in choosing Pratt, which started with an internet search and ended with a perfect match. Because Hoopa is a Native American reservation with members of the Yurok, Karuk, and Hoopa tribes revealing their Bigfoot encounters, it helped that Harvey Pratt is also Native American, a member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes. He also has over 40 years law enforcement experience including FBI training and years of work with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations. Native American or not, Harvey Pratt was prepared for this job!
What came from the forensic drawings, in which Bigfoot sighting reporters shared their observations of the creature while he drew, is a series of astounding picture-perfect renditions of what these creatures actually look like. The images that came from this will open your eyes to the reality that Bigfoot is not all that different than we are. You will finally see why so many who have had Bigfoot encounters are saying, “It looked more like a human than like an animal.”
This book was created by professional law enforcement investigators, and the result is exactly what you would expect from people bringing that kind of experience to the table. If you’re looking for scientific details, you won’t get them, but you do get plenty of analysis, clearly stated reporting, and phenomenal forensic art.
Combine their skills with the location - a wide, fertile valley in the midst of heavily forested wilderness - and you have the possibility of great field work opportunities for Bigfoot researchers. Add to this the beautiful Native American people who live in the Hoopa Valley, who were open-hearted enough to consider trusting David Paulides with their surprising and peaceful encounters, and you’ve got access to some of the best Bigfoot incident and sighting stories ever told. And besides the Native Americans, there are several non-Natives represented who had Bigfoot encounters of their own to share.
On a personal note, I was thrilled to see faces I recognized and countryside I’ve traveled to and through many times. Some of the people photographed for the book are Karuks, and I live less than half a mile from the Karuk Tribe’s central office in Happy Camp. I’ve been to their annual Karuk Tribal Reunion, and to their Basketweavers’ Gathering, so I felt like I was seeing a new side to old friends. I’m very happy everyone who participated felt comfortable enough with David Paulides to reveal what happened to them.
I’d like to take this time and space to thank everyone who participated by sharing details about their Bigfoot incidents and encounters. I’m in deep gratitude as I’m sure many others who read these reports will be in years to come. Thank you for showing us that Sasquatches really do exist.
Part of David Paulides’ plan for the book is to present it to lawmakers in hopes of having Bigfoot protection legislation passed. I feel this is a noble cause, and support it. I also understand the feelings of Hoopa forestry employees that worried that Bigfoot protection legislation might destroy the Tribe’s forest industries projects. Therefore I hope that any forthcoming law making will be done on a local basis by the Tribal Councils and County Boards of Supervisors, not by State or Federal legislators who may be out of touch with the needs of Northern California counties, especially in rural areas.
Case in point: Environmentalists and the Endangered Species Act forced the closure of the sawmill in Happy Camp in the 1990s. What was once a thriving mid-forest town suddenly became a town of empty buildings and sad, wasted lives. It took many years for our town to start to recover and in the meantime many local families were devastated from income loss. Any Bigfoot protection legislation that does not share a focus with the needs of the people of this region, including but not limited to Hoopa residents, would not be welcome. I liked the examples of Bigfoot protection laws David Paulides included in this book; they are simple and to the point. Bigfoot is obviously very closely related to human beings, and should not be shot.
BigfootBy the way, in case you don’t realize it, Hoopa is only a few miles south of the site of the famous Patterson-Gimlin film at Bluff Creek. There’s a lot of Bluff Creek Bigfoot information in the pages of this book.
Linda Martin
Book Reviews of "The Hoopa Project;
"Absolutely Fantastic"
HM 2005/Amazon.com
5 Star Rating!!!
This book, written by former police investigator Paulides, covers a 3-year investigation into the Hoopa Reservation and town just 14 miles north of the Bigfoot Capitol of the World, Willow Creek, California. He interviews many natives of the area and has each of them sign an affidavit, attesting to each witness' truthfulness. There are photos of all the witnesses, and also of the locations these sightings took place in. An interesting note is that some of the sightings took place in the same proximity and within less than a mile from each other. The witnesses' tales are quite compelling and stark in their detail, but Paulides has gone beyond just giving witnesses' descriptions-he also brings in forensic artist Harvey Pratt, who has done quite a bit of sketch work for the FBI and Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, and did the initial sketches of the BTK Killer, the Green River Killer, Ted Bundy, Henry Lucas, Otis O'Toole and many other famous cases, and utilizes his skills in forensic art to bring a truer picture of the witnesses' sightings to life, which he does in bold detail. The Sasquatch creatures portrayed by Pratt as described by the witnesses describe a more humanlike face than apelike, whcih is quite fascinating. I highly recommend this book.
Southeast Sasquatch Association
The Hoopa Project
This book, written by former police investigator Paulides, covers a 3-year investigation into the Hoopa Reservation and town just 14 miles north of the Bigfoot Capitol of the World, Willow Creek, California. He interviews many natives of the area and has each of them sign an affidavit, attesting to each witness' truthfulness. There are photos of all the witnesses, and also of the locations these sightings took place in. An interesting note is that some of the sightings took place in the same proximity and within less than a mile from each other. The witnesses' tales are quite compelling and stark in their detail, but Paulides has gone beyond just giving witnesses' descriptions-he also brings in forensic artist Harvey Pratt, who has done quite a bit of sketch work for the FBI and Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, and did the initial sketches of the BTK Killer, the Green River Killer, Ted Bundy, Henry Lucas, Otis O'Toole and many other famous cases, and utilizes his skills in forensic art to bring a truer picture of the witnesses' sightings to life, which he does in bold detail. The Sasquatch creatures portrayed by Pratt as described by the witnesses describe a more humanlike face than apelike, whcih is quite fascinating. I highly recommend this book, which is available now at North America Bigfoot Search and also comes with a map of Northern California reports, over 350 of them.
Bill Green/ Bigfoot Researcher
Christopher L. Murphy (Author, Meet the Sasquatch)
July 2008
This remarkable work brings us another first in the annals of Bigfoot
Numerous Bigfoot-related incidents are presented that are the result of
first-hand investigations by a former trained police officer and professional
investigator. Added to this, a highly qualified, experienced forensic
police artist was commissioned to meet Bigfoot sighting witnesses
and to prepare detailed sketches of what the witnesses saw.
David Paulides recorded his conversations with Bigfoot witnesses in the
same way he prepared his reports in police work. The entire book is therefore
written in what might be termed “police report format,” which is
very direct and to the point. Particular care is taken to ensure that facts are
not misread or misinterpreted. Sentences are short and thoughtfully structured
to ensure the reader fully comprehends what is being said.
The details, interpretations, and images provided on Bigfoot encounters
in this book go far beyond “normal reporting.” Dave Paulides brings to
the table over 30 years of professional investigative experience, and we
are therefore provided with what can only be termed as the best Bigfoot
reports ever written.
The Hoopa Project Book Review
Hoopa Project is like no other book on the subject of Bigfoot. Having read about the subject all my life I was skeptical. The author, David Paulides, has done entensive research on Bigfoot in a very remote region of northwestern California. After numerous interviews with people having actual sightings he has established a region termed "Bigfoot alley." Paulides applies his law enforcement background to properly interview the witnesses and document their sightings. The book distinguishes itself by providing artwork by a forsenic artist named Harvey Pratt. Pratt's illustrations provide actual descriptions of different sightings by witnesses. This is a very informative book. I highly reccomend it to anyone interested in this subject.
Dick Dunbar
The Hoopa Project- Book Review
Mr. Paulides contacted me in March of 2009 during a trip of his to Alaska. We wanted to meet each other in person, but a family commitment prevented us from seeing each other. We did, however, correspond with each other via e-mail over the course of several days and we openly discussed our theories about Sasquatch.
When Mr. Paulides mentioned that he had written a book, I realized I was speaking with a truly dedicated researcher. When Mr. Paulides asked me if I would be willing to read his book and provide him with a review, I readily agreed. Little did I know that, “THE HOOPA PROJECT” would be one of the more interesting books on Sasquatch that I have read in quite a while.
Being more than just a collection of Bigfoot encounters, author and Executive Director of the North America Bigfoot Search, David Paulides delivers some well researched notions on Sasquatch in “THE HOOPA PROJECT”.
Of particular interest to me as a fellow researcher, were Paulides’ ideas about possible food sources being used by Sasquatch. Paulides discusses in detail the elements that would most likely be in the diet of Sasquatch including something that I had never considered before; mushrooms.
Also being worthy of mentioning is Paulides’ talks with wildlife biologist J. Mark Higley, and project manager Elaine Creel. Higley and Creel’s insights about the relationship of sasquatch to the local bear and deer population along with Paulides interpretation of their insights is interesting enough that it could stand alone as the topic of a whole separate book.
Overall, “THE HOOPA PROJECT” offers something for everyone. The book has the right balance of theory and encounters along with the appropriate amount of graphs, maps and highly detailed composite sketches by forensic artist Harvey Pratt to keep the reader’s interest from cover to cover. I highly recommend this book to all investigators, novice and experienced, as well as to all people enthusiastic about Sasquatch. Final verdict: Two thumbs up!
M. Charlie Thompson
Founder and Director of www.SasquatchTracker.com
Bigfoot is not at all imaginary for many inland residents
Jessie Faulkner/The Times-Standard
Posted: 05/30/2009 01:24:16 AM PDT
For many in Hoopa, Bigfoot is a reality of the inland valley -- one that several residents have experienced through first-hand encounters.
Those encounters -- profiled in David Paulides' “The Hoopa Project: Bigfoot Encounters in California” -- point to evidence bolstering the existence of the large human-like creature.
The book, a collaborative effort of the North American Bigfoot Search, is based on a numerous interviews conducted in 2004. But, the catalyst goes a bit further back.
In a telephone interview from his Los Gatos home this week, Paulides said the organization began when a group of business acquaintances were sitting around a table one day and began talking about strange occurrences in the woods.
”That was the catalyst for us to talk,” he said.
The search and the organization evolved slowly among the tight-knit group, the author said. With a combination of time, resources and well-honed investigative skills, the colleagues began by noting all of the Bigfoot sightings on a map of the Pacific Northwest -- a realization that led to the publication of a map showing those sites and noted that a predominant number of sightings had been reported from Northern California.
Those sightings, however, weren't enough to immediately sway the author, a veteran of 20 years as an officer and investigator with the Los Gatos Police Department.
”I was open to the idea,” Paulides said, “but I was
Even after the numerous interviews, Paulides said he couldn't swear to a 100 percent belief in Bigfoot's existence, but the scale weighs heavily in that direction. Paulides pointed to the time it took longtime resident Al Hodgson -- who has been looking into the existence of Bigfoot for some 60 years. Three years ago, Paulides said, a member of Hodgson's church, a woman he knew could tell nothing but the truth, confessed that she had seen Bigfoot. It was that confidence that swayed Hodgson.
That's not to say that Paulides doubts the words of those he interviewed.
”I believe everybody in the Hoopa project that was interviewed was telling the truth,” he said.
Each of those included in the book signed an affidavit attesting the truth of their statements.
Even those who held no cotton to the very tall biped's existence.
Michael Mularkey, then manager of the Ray's Food Place in Hoopa, recounted an early-morning sighting during the commute to work from his Willow Creek home.
”Michael was approximately 15 minutes into the drive when he entered Hoopa and an area of the highway that parallels Shoemaker Road,” Paulides wrote. “He had his headlights on and was traveling approximately 40-50 mph when he saw a huge creature standing on the roadway near the computer shop. He immediately slowed when he saw the hairy beast standing on two feet. Michael said the creature was covered in reddish-orange hair or fur, except under its arms, and was standing on two feet. He stated that the creature did not have a snout like a bear, but had a flat face like a human or ape. He said he saw the creature take two giant strides, 6-8 feet each time, as it walked across the roadway and attempted to partially hide behind a large tree on the eastern side of the road. Michael said that he continued to slow his vehicle to get a good view of the creature. He said that it could not get completely behind the tree, and appeared to be looking at him as he continued driving. Michael said that as the creature was looking at him, he could see that its eyes seemed to be almost glowing yellow. He continued his journey to Ray's and told a few friends about what had happened later in the morning.”
Thus a doubter was converted.
”Michael said he was the ultimate skeptic about Bigfoot being a living mammal,” Paulides wrote, “but no more. He stated, 'I know what I saw and it was not a bear, it was Bigfoot. Those eyes were unreal, I'll never forget its eyes or its size'.”
Paulides' book is full of illustrations of Bigfoot, drafted from discussions between those who reported seeing the creature and longtime forensic artist Harvey Pratt, who Paulides hired to visually chronicle the Bigfoot encounters.
Nearly all of those drawings share many similarities, although Paulides said none of the sketches were shared among those who were interviewed.
”Nobody saw anyone else's sketch,” he said, noting that all were kept concealed until the book's publication. The consistency is that all but one show a lack of facial hair.
”We never thought it would be like this,” he said, “We thought it would be more ape-like, more gorilla. That's completely not the case.”
For more information on the North America Bigfoot Search, visit the organization's Web site at www.nabigfootsearch.com.
”The Hoopa Project: Bigfoot Encounters in California,” is available at the Bigfoot Museum in Willow Creek and the Bigfoot Bookshop in Salyer, as well as online through Amazon.com.
© 2011 North America Bigfoot Search LLC